
1000 ml

The draining solution with purifying and anti-inflammatory effects that is essential for reducing sensations of swelling in the lower limbs and stimulating the microcirculation.

  • Facilitates the drainage of body fluids;
  • Promotes the body's purifying functions;
  • Helps maintain body weight balance;
  • Aids microcirculation and urinary tract function;
  • Reduces oedema, swelling and heaviness in the lower limbs.
Immediate availability Express delivery 1-3 days

Diuricell is the draining product with purifying and anti-inflammatory effects that reduces sensations of heaviness in the legs. Thanks to bromelain, pilosella, extracts of white birch, butcher's broom, orthosiphon, goldenrod and bitter orange, Diuricell ensures a potent draining action and counteracts water retention and oedema around the ankles. The phytoextracts favour the elimination of toxins, waste substances and related liquids, acting as a natural aid to reduce swelling and cellulite. The product comes in a handy liquid format to be diluted in water, which is also convenient for optimum hydration.

Water retention is a build-up of fluids in the intercellular spaces, i.e. between the cells, that is caused by an imbalance between the vascular and lymphatic systems and consequently results in the development of unsightly symptoms, such as swelling, especially in the lower limbs, oedema and the characteristic “orange peel” skin. Problems associated with fluid retention can also arise when vein tone is poor and venous return to the heart is incomplete, a situation that can lead to swollen ankles and the formation of subcutaneous panniculus adiposus or cellulite.

The causes underlying water retention include poor dietary habits, with an excessive intake of foods containing sodium, hormonal imbalances, caused by medication or associated with poor circulation, and lifestyle, particularly in the case of jobs involving sitting or standing for long periods. It therefore goes without saying that exercise is vitally important for our circulation, and should be practised regularly.

But how can we counteract water retention naturally?

With the various plant phytoextracts that promote the microcirculation and the drainage and elimination of toxins, waste substances and related fluids from the body. Diuricell, which contains several natural functional extracts, is a practical and pleasant beverage that acts from the inside of the body, by promoting diuresis and aiding purification and the disposal of the excess fluids and toxins** that cause water retention, swelling and cellulite.

But what exactly does Diuricell contain that makes it so effective?

Diuricell consists of a blend of purifying and draining botanicals, such as:

  • Extract of dried pineapple stem, consisting mainly of bromelain, which is useful in cases of water retention, due to its draining and anti-inflammatory action, capable of stimulating the elimination of excess fluids from the subcutaneous tissue;

  • Dandelion, a medicinal herb known since ancient times for its draining properties, which is also used in cooking to season salads and a natural functional purifier;

  • Birch, with its natural draining action, increases urine output, consequently facilitating the elimination of water and excess substances;

  • Pilosella, which effectively counteracts water retention and eliminates waste substances from the body, as well as being a natural remedy for cellulite. It has an outstanding capacity for reducing uric acid due to its high flavonoid content, and for stimulating the production of bile, thus considerably favouring liver purification;

  • Orthosiphon, which facilitates the elimination of sodium chloride and increases the urinary excretion of nitrogen compounds;

  • Bitter orange, which, thanks to the presence of Synephrine in particular, facilitates body weight balance, metabolic stimulation and lipid metabolism. Synephrine activates the beta-3 adrenergic receptors, found mainly in adipose tissue and the liver, which are responsible for fat breakdown and utilisation processes;

  • Ruscus dry extract, which is obtained from butcher’s broom and contains ruscogenin, a molecule that helps alleviate microcirculation disorders such as heavy legs and swelling;

  • Goldenrod, a plant with a purifying action, characterised by a potent draining effect that promotes urinary tract function.

**Scientific references**González-Castejón M, Visioli F, Rodriguez-Casado A. Diverse biological activities of dandelion. Nutr Rev. 2012 Sep;70(9):534-47. doi: 10.1111/j.1753-4887.2012.00509.x. Epub 2012 Aug 17. PMID: 22946853.

Willer J, Zidorn C, Juan-Vicedo J. Ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry, and bioactivities of Hieracium L. and Pilosella Hill (Cichorieae, Asteraceae) species. J Ethnopharmacol. 2021 Dec 5;281:114465. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2021.114465. Epub 2021 Aug 3. PMID: 34358652.

Hikisz P, Bernasinska-Slomczewska J. Beneficial Properties of Bromelain. Nutrients. 2021 Nov 29;13(12):4313. doi: 10.3390/nu13124313. PMID: 34959865; PMCID: PMC8709142.

Chen H, Xiao H, Pang J. Parameter Optimization and Potential Bioactivity Evaluation of a Betulin Extract from White Birch Bark. Plants (Basel). 2020 Mar 23;9(3):392. doi: 10.3390/plants9030392. PMID: 32210064; PMCID: PMC7154890.

Sun B, Wu L, Wu Y, Zhang C, Qin L, Hayashi M, Kudo M, Gao M, Liu T. Therapeutic Potential of Centella asiatica and Its Triterpenes: A Review. Front Pharmacol. 2020 Sep 4;11:568032. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2020.568032. PMID: 33013406; PMCID: PMC7498642.

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Why choose it?

Why choose our supplement:

  • Draining and purifying action;
  • Aids the microcirculation;
  • Reduces water retention, oedema and swelling in the lower limbs;
  • Acts directly on fluid retention and the elimination of waste substances;
  • Practical and pleasant beverage that is also useful for hydrating the body;
  • Set of functional natural phytoextracts such as bromelain, pilosella, extracts of white birch, butcher's broom, orthosiphon, goldenrod and bitter orange;
  • Gluten- and lactose-free;
  • Available in 4 pleasant flavours;
  • Produced entirely in Italy.
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